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Consortium for Global Sustainability
Client Logo Design

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The Consortium for Global Sustainability (CGS) is a non-profit Organization consisting of professors around the world who specialize in the field of Hospitality and Tourism. Established in 2021, the CGS aims to provide guidance to stakeholders in the hospitality and tourism industry to effectively deal with environmental, social, and corporate governance concerns. I was hired to design their new logo.

Design Process

Prioritizing sustainability in their mission, I wanted to incorporate elements that aligned with that principle. The first thing that came to mind was the color green, so I decided that would be the primary color for the logo. From there, I sketched out different ideas, experimenting with the acronym and trying different letter arrangements.

Although messy and unattractive, sketching ideas on paper allowed me to continue thinking in new directions and eventually helped me settle on a concept. I decided to make the logo look like an apple; an object that aligns with sustainability, while also making sense to be green. I moved on to the computer, where I began to try arranging the acronym in the shape of the fruit.

Eventually, after multiple iterations, I submitted my first design:

I received positive feedback, but improvements could have definitely been made. Suggestions to experiment with the color and line thickness brought me closer to the final product. 

After some time, I reached a design that I was confident about, and I sent it to the client for feedback. It was approved, and they accepted it as their official logo.


Taking on this opportunity allowed me to engage my creativity in something meaningful, and it felt rewarding to see my ideation process from start to finish. I also learned how to tailor my designs to meet the client's needs, and not be attached to a certain direction. This experience revealed my passion for problem-solving, and further pushed my interest in the design field overall.

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